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take a turn in Bushy Park
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take a leak
take a legal piss
take a load off your mind
take a look at
take a pee
take a piss
take a poo
take a ride on the mean spanking machine
take a roll with
take a shine to
take a shit
take a squat
take a step back
take a trip around the parsley patch
take a trip around the world (in eighty ways)
take a trip to the moon
take a turn in Cock Lane
take a turn in Cupid's Alley
take a turn in Cupid's Corner
take a turn in the barrel
take a turn in the bush
take a turn in the Hair Court
take a turn in the hay
take a turn in the stubble
take a turn on Love Lane
take a turn on Mount Pleasant
take a turn on Shooters Hill
take a turn on the aphrodisiacal tennis court
take a turn through the stubble
take a whiz(z)
take after
take a legal piss
take a load off your mind
take a look at
take a pee
take a piss
take a poo
take a ride on the mean spanking machine
take a roll with
take a shine to
take a shit
take a squat
take a step back
take a trip around the parsley patch
take a trip around the world (in eighty ways)
take a trip to the moon
take a turn in Bushy Park
take a turn in Cock Alleytake a turn in Cock Lane
take a turn in Cupid's Alley
take a turn in Cupid's Corner
take a turn in the barrel
take a turn in the bush
take a turn in the Hair Court
take a turn in the hay
take a turn in the stubble
take a turn on Love Lane
take a turn on Mount Pleasant
take a turn on Shooters Hill
take a turn on the aphrodisiacal tennis court
take a turn through the stubble
take a whiz(z)
take after